9 research outputs found

    A Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Trusted Neighbor Network Creation Protocol

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    [EN] Spontaneous networks lack an a priori communication infrastructure, the neighbors are unknown right after the deployment, and they are used during a period of time and in a certain location. In this paper, we present a new randomized creation model of a spontaneous wireless ad hoc network based on trusted neighbors. The idea is to manage the neighbor discovery with the exchange of identity cards, and the checking of a signature establishes a relationship based on trust of the neighbors. To asses the performance of our randomized trusted network proposal and compare it against an existing deterministic protocol used as reference, we relied on Castalia 3.2 simulator, regarding 4 metrics: time, energy consumption, throughput, and number of discoveries vs packet sent ratio. We found that our proposal outperforms the reference protocol in terms of time, energy, and discoveries vs packet sent ratio in a one-hop setting, while it outperforms the reference protocol regarding all 4 metrics in multihop environments. We also evaluated our proposal through simulations varying the transmission probability and proved that it does not require to know the number of nodes if a fixed transmission probability is set, providing reasonable results. Moreover, our proposal is based on collision detection, it knows when to terminate the process, it does not require a transmission schedule, and it follows more realistic assumptions. In addition, a qualitative comparison is carried out, comparing our proposal against existing protocols from the literature.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" in the "Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento" within the project under Grant TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. This work has also been partially supported by European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR.Sorribes, JV.; Peñalver Herrero, ML.; Lloret, J. (2021). A Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Trusted Neighbor Network Creation Protocol. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Online). 2021:1-20. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5531923120202

    Energy-aware Randomized Neighbor Discovery Protocol based on Collision Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    [EN] In wireless ad hoc networks, neighbor discovery is necessary as an initial step. In this work we present LECDH (Low Energy Collision Detection Hello), an energy-aware randomized handshake-based neighbor discovery protocol for static environments. We carried out simulations through Castalia 3.2 simulator and compared LECDH with an existing protocol EAH (Energy Aware Hello) used as reference. We conclude that the proposal outperforms the reference protocol both in one-hop and multi-hop environments in terms of Energy consumption, Discovery time, Number of discovered neighbors, Throughput, and Discoveries per packet sent, for high duty cycles. Moreover, for low number of nodes in LECDH, as the duty cycle is reduced the performance is better according to all 5 metrics in both environments. Overall, we found that our proposal follows more realistic assumptions and still allows nodes to succeed at discovering all their neighbors almost with probability 1. Moreover, a qualitative comparison of the reference solution and our proposal is included in this paper.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" in the "Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento" within the project under Grant TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. This work has also been partially supported by European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR. This work has also been partially founded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia through the post-doctoral PAID-10-20 program.Sorribes, JV.; Peñalver Herrero, ML.; Jimenez, JM.; Sendra, S. (2022). Energy-aware Randomized Neighbor Discovery Protocol based on Collision Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Mobile Networks and Applications (Online). 28:31-48. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-022-01995-731482

    Reliable Bidirectional Data Transfer Approach for the Internet of Secured Medical Things Using ZigBee Wireless Network

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    [EN] Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) performs robust services for real-time applications in monitoring communication systems and generating meaningful information. The ZigBee devices offer low latency and manageable costs for wireless communication and support the process of physical data collection. Some biosensing systems comprise IoT-based ZigBee devices to monitor patient healthcare attributes and alert healthcare professionals for needed action. However, most of them still face unstable and frequent data interruption issues due to transmission service intrusions. Moreover, the medical data is publicly available using cloud services, and communicated through the smart devices to specialists for evaluation and disease diagnosis. Therefore, the applicable security analysis is another key factor for any medical system. This work proposed an approach for reliable network supervision with the internet of secured medical things using ZigBee networks for a smart healthcare system (RNM-SC). It aims to improve data systems with manageable congestion through load-balanced devices. Moreover, it also increases security performance in the presence of anomalies and offers data routing using the bidirectional heuristics technique. In addition, it deals with more realistic algorithm to associate only authorized devices and avoid the chances of compromising data. In the end, the communication between cloud and network applications is also protected from hostile actions, and only certified end-users can access the data. The proposed approach was tested and analyzed in Network Simulator (NS-3), and, compared to existing solutions, demonstrated significant and reliable performance improvements in terms of network throughput by 12%, energy consumption by 17%, packet drop ratio by 37%, end-to-end delay by 18%, routing complexity by 37%, and tampered packets by 37%.This research is supported by Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics Lab (AIDA) CCIS Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Authors are thankful for the support.Rehman, A.; Haseeb, K.; Fati, SM.; Lloret, J.; Peñalver Herrero, ML. (2021). Reliable Bidirectional Data Transfer Approach for the Internet of Secured Medical Things Using ZigBee Wireless Network. Applied Sciences. 11(21):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11219947S116112

    Spontaneous ad hoc mobile cloud computing network

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    Cloud computing helps users and companies to share computing resources instead of having local servers or personal devices to handle the applications. Smart devices are becoming one of the main information processing devices. Their computing features are reaching levels that let them create a mobile cloud computing network. But sometimes they are not able to create it and collaborate actively in the cloud because it is difficult for them to build easily a spontaneous network and configure its parameters. For this reason, in this paper, we are going to present the design and deployment of a spontaneous ad hoc mobile cloud computing network. In order to perform it, we have developed a trusted algorithm that is able to manage the activity of the nodes when they join and leave the network. The paper shows the network procedures and classes that have been designed. Our simulation results using Castalia show that our proposal presents a good efficiency and network performance even by using high number of nodes.Lacuesta, R.; Lloret, J.; Sendra, S.; Peñalver Herrero, ML. (2014). Spontaneous ad hoc mobile cloud computing network. Scientific World Journal. 2014:1-19. doi:10.1155/2014/232419S1192014Rodrigues, J. J. P. C., Zhou, L., Mendes, L. D. P., Lin, K., & Lloret, J. (2012). Distributed media-aware flow scheduling in cloud computing environment. Computer Communications, 35(15), 1819-1827. doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2012.03.004Feeney, L. M., Ahlgren, B., & Westerlund, A. (2001). Spontaneous networking: an application oriented approach to ad hoc networking. IEEE Communications Magazine, 39(6), 176-181. doi:10.1109/35.925687Fernando, N., Loke, S. W., & Rahayu, W. (2013). Mobile cloud computing: A survey. Future Generation Computer Systems, 29(1), 84-106. doi:10.1016/j.future.2012.05.023Lacuesta, R., Lloret, J., Garcia, M., & Peñalver, L. (2013). A Secure Protocol for Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Creation. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 24(4), 629-641. doi:10.1109/tpds.2012.168Lacuesta, R., Lloret, J., Garcia, M., & Peñalver, L. (2011). Two secure and energy-saving spontaneous ad-hoc protocol for wireless mesh client networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 34(2), 492-505. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2010.03.024Lacuesta, R., Lloret, J., Garcia, M., & Peñalver, L. (2010). A Spontaneous Ad Hoc Network to Share WWW Access. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2010(1). doi:10.1155/2010/232083Lacuesta, R., Palacios-Navarro, G., Cetina, C., Peñalver, L., & Lloret, J. (2012). Internet of things: where to be is to trust. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2012(1). doi:10.1186/1687-1499-2012-203Capkun, S., Buttyan, L., & Hubaux, J. (2003). Self-organized public-key management for mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2(1), 52-64. doi:10.1109/tmc.2003.1195151Goodman, J., & Chandrakasan, A. (2000). An Energy Efficient Reconfigurable Public-Key Cryptography Processor Architecture. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 175-190. doi:10.1007/3-540-44499-8_13Mayrhofer, R., Ortner, F., Ferscha, A., & Hechinger, M. (2003). Securing Passive Objects in Mobile Ad-Hoc Peer-to-Peer Networks. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 85(3), 105-121. doi:10.1016/s1571-0661(04)80687-xMendes, L. D. P., Rodrigues, J. J. P. C., Lloret, J., & Sendra, S. (2014). Cross-Layer Dynamic Admission Control for Cloud-Based Multimedia Sensor Networks. IEEE Systems Journal, 8(1), 235-246. doi:10.1109/jsyst.2013.2260653Dutta, R., & B, A. (2014). Protection of data in unsecured public cloud environment with open, vulnerable networks using threshold-based secret sharing. Network Protocols and Algorithms, 6(1), 58. doi:10.5296/npa.v6i1.486

    Randomized neighbor discovery protocols with collision detection for static multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks

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    [EN] Neighbor discovery represents a first step after the deployment of wireless ad hoc networks, since the nodes that form them are equipped with limited-range radio transceivers, and they typically do not know their neighbors. In this paper two randomized neighbor discovery approaches, called CDH and CDPRR, based on collision detection for static multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks, are presented. Castalia 3.2 simulator has been used to compare our proposed protocols against two protocols chosen from the literature and used as reference: the PRR, and the Hello protocol. For the experiments, we chose five metrics: the neighbor discovery time, the number of discovered neighbors, the energy consumption, the throughput and the number of discovered neighbors versus packets sent ratio. According to the results obtained through simulation, we can conclude that our randomized proposals outperform both Hello and PRR protocols in the presence of collisions regarding all five metrics, for both one-hop and multi-hop scenarios. As novelty compared to the reference protocols, both proposals allow nodes to discover all their neighbors with probability 1, they are based on collision detection and know when to terminate the neighbor discovery process. Furthermore, qualitative comparisons of the existing protocols and the proposals are available in this paper. Moreover, CDPRR presents better results in terms of time, energy consumption and number of discovered neighbors versus packets sent ratio. We found that both proposals achieve to operate under more realistic assumptions. Furthermore, CDH does not need to know the number of nodes in the network.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" in the "Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento" within the project under Grant TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. This work has also been partially supported by European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR.Sorribes, JV.; Peñalver Herrero, ML.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Lloret, J. (2021). Randomized neighbor discovery protocols with collision detection for static multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks. Telecommunication Systems. 77(3):577-596. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-021-00763-457759677

    Collision Avoidance Based Neighbor Discovery in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

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    [EN] Neighbor discovery is an important first step after the deployment of ad hoc wireless networks since they are a type of network that do not provide a communications infrastructure right after their deployment, the devices have radio transceivers which provide a limited transmission range, and there is a lack of knowledge of the potential neighbors. In this work two proposals to overcome the neighbor discovery in static one-hop environments in the presence of collisions, are presented. We performed simulations through Castalia 3.2, to compare the performance of the proposals against that for two protocols from the literature, i.e. PRR and Hello, and evaluate them according to six metrics. According to simulation results, the Leader-based proposal (O(N)) outperforms the other protocols in terms of neighbor discovery time, throughput, discoveries vs packets sent ratio, and packets received vs sent ratio, and the TDMA-based proposal is the slowest (O(N-2)) and presents the worst results regarding energy consumption, and discoveries vs packets sent ratio. However, both proposals follow a predetermined transmission schedule that allows them to discover all the neighbors with probability 1, and use a feedback mechanism. We also performed an analytical study for both proposals according to several metrics. Moreover, the Leader-based solution can only properly operate in one-hop environments, whereas the TDMA-based proposal is appropriate for its use in multi-hop environments.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" in the "Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento" within the project under Grant TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. This work has also been partially supported by European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR.Sorribes, JV.; Peñalver Herrero, ML.; Lloret, J.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM. (2022). Collision Avoidance Based Neighbor Discovery in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Wireless Personal Communications. 125(2):987-1011. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-09091-x9871011125

    Analytical Models for Randomized Neighbor Discovery Protocols based on Collision Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    [EN] Neighbor discovery is a crucial first step after the deployment of wireless ad hoc networks, which do not have a communications infrastructure. In this paper we present analytical models of randomized neighbor discovery protocols for static one-hop environments: CDPRR (Collision Detection Probabilistic Round Robin) and CDH (Collision Detection Hello). For CDPRR we assumed a geometric distribution and a uniform distribution for CDH. For comparison purposes, we chose two protocols from the literature, i.e., Hello and PRR, to be used as reference. To assess the performance of the proposals we carried out a mathematical study regarding six metrics, i.e., neighbor discovery time, energy consumption, overhead (number of packets sent), packet delivery ratio, the CDF of discoveries, and percentage of idle slots, and presented graphical results obtained from the equations. According to the analytical results, CDH protocol outperforms the other solutions regarding the neighbor discovery time, energy consumption, number of packets sent, packet delivery ratio and CDF of discoveries, while CDPRR achieves good results and it is better than Hello and PRR in terms of neighbor discovery time, energy consumption, CDF of discoveries and the overhead (number of packets sent). Moreover, we found that CDPRR presents more percentage of idle slots than PRR, which is a clear advantage in terms of energy consumed and number of packets sent. In addition, as novelty compared to the reference protocols, we found that both CDH and CDPRR protocols manage to discover all the neighbors, know when to terminate the discovery process, and achieve to operate under more realistic assumptions. We also focused the study on the CDH protocol varying the slot width, and demonstrated that the number of nodes in the network can be unknown, still providing reasonable results.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad'' in the "Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento'' within the project under Grant TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. This work has also been partially supported by European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR.Sorribes, JV.; Lloret, J.; Peñalver Herrero, ML. (2022). Analytical Models for Randomized Neighbor Discovery Protocols based on Collision Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Ad Hoc Networks. 126(102739):1-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2021.10273911912610273

    A secure protocol for spontaneous wireless ad hoc networks creation

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    This paper presents a secure protocol for spontaneous wireless ad hoc networks which uses an hybrid symmetric/asymmetric scheme and the trust between users in order to exchange the initial data and to exchange the secret keys that will be used to encrypt the data. Trust is based on the first visual contact between users. Our proposal is a complete self-configured secure protocol that is able to create the network and share secure services without any infrastructure. The network allows sharing resources and offering new services among users in a secure environment. The protocol includes all functions needed to operate without any external support. We have designed and developed it in devices with limited resources. Network creation stages are detailed and the communication, protocol messages, and network management are explained. Our proposal has been implemented in order to test the protocol procedure and performance. Finally, we compare the protocol with other spontaneous ad hoc network protocols in order to highlight its features and we provide a security analysis of the system. © 1990-2012 IEEE.Lacuesta Contreras, R.; Lloret, J.; García Pineda, M.; Peñalver Herrero, ML. (2013). A secure protocol for spontaneous wireless ad hoc networks creation. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 24(4):629-641. doi:10.1109/TPDS.2012.168S62964124

    Two secure and energy-saving spontaneous ad-hoc protocol for wireless mesh client networks

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    We can find many cases where a spontaneous wireless ad-hoc network must be built for a limited period of time in a wireless mesh network: meetings, conferences, etc. One of the main aspects in a spontaneous network is to provide security mechanisms to the users. Confidentially, integrity, authentication, availability and no-repudiation should be provided for all the users in the network and the information should travel ciphered through the network. This paper shows two secure spontaneous wireless ad-hoc network protocols for wireless mesh clients that are based on the computational costs: the weak and the strong one. They are based on the trust of the users and guarantee a secure protocol between the users and the mesh routers. Both protocols provide node authenticity, intermediate node authenticity, integrity checking, random checking, verification distribution and erroneous packets elimination (before they arrive to the destination). The protocol procedure, its messages and development are explained in detail. Finally, we will compare their energy consumption with other secure protocols. The comparison will prove their benefits. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Lacuesta Gilaberte, R.; Lloret, J.; García Pineda, M.; Peñalver Herrero, ML. (2011). Two secure and energy-saving spontaneous ad-hoc protocol for wireless mesh client networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 34(2):492-505. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2010.03.024S49250534